Installation guide

To install Psychtoolbox, please follow the instructions found on the psychtoolbox website..

During the installation, you will be asked for the directory in which you will install Psychtoolbox. Ensure that you remember that directory.

Once the installation is complete, please install VPixx Software tools if you have not done so already, and follow these instructions depending on your OS:


  • Navigate to the VPixx Software Tools (C:\Program Files\VPixx Technologies\Software Tools\DatapixxToolbox_trunk\mexdev\build\matlab), and then navigate to the folder representing your Matlab installation.

  • Copy the mex file from that folder to your psychtoolbox_folder\PsychBasic\MatlabWindowsFilesR2007a folder.

Mac OS X/Linux:

  • Navigate to the VPixx Software Tools, then navigate to the folder represnting your matlab installation (VPixx Software Tools\DatapixxToolbox_trunk\mexdev\build\matlab)

  • Copy the mex file from that folder to your psychtoolbox_folder\PsychBasic folder.