Audio I/O Demo 3 -- Streaming continuous audio ================================================================================== In this demo, we take a sound file and stream it continuously to the device. .. Note:: You can only play audio on the full version of a device; the lite version does not have audio playback capabilities. In this demo, to write the Audio Buffer, we call ``Datapixx('WriteAudioBuffer', waveData(:,1:nBufferFrames), 0);``, which fits as much data as the buffer can take, at address zero. We create the Audio Schedule for playback, and we write the new frames that were not written yet: ``Datapixx('WriteAudioBuffer', waveData(:, nextWriteFrame: nextWriteFrame+nStreamFrames-1), -1);`` the ``-1`` here signifies that we are continuously streaming audio and to continue without changing the address. .. literalinclude:: ../DatapixxToolbox/DatapixxDemos/DatapixxAudioStreamDemo.m :language: matlab :emphasize-lines: 45, 50, 60, 83 :linenos: